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Pure Gold: What to Know About the Liquid Gold Facial

You’ve heard of Microneedling and you’ve heard of Botox, but you may have never heard of microbotox. One of the treatments that Dr. Schelssinger is excited to offer is the liquid gold facial which uses microbotox to help patients get the skin of their dreams. Let’s take a closer look at this treatment to help you determine if it’s the right thing for you and your skin.

What is the liquid gold facial?

The first thing you may wonder is how this facial got its name. Rather than using tattoo needles, this facial uses tiny, 24k gold needles which are thinner than a human hair and are substantially smaller than those that are traditionally used in Microneedling. The great thing about these needles is that they penetrate deeper into the skin without puncturing it so much that they cause bleeding, tenderness, or bruising. Another benefit of this facial is that it’s fast and virtually pain-free.

Rather than using traditional serums, we use a custom blend serum, which helps to give patients even better results. We can even add Botox to the serum to reduce pore size, decrease sweating and make the skin less oily.

What are the results like?

Patients experience noticeably glowing, healthier skin right away. Then over the next few days, patients experience more volume in the skin, less noticeable pores, and fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

Liquid Gold is a perfect “red carpet” treatment. It creates a dewy glow that is apparent immediately and lasts for weeks. With repeat treatment, there is an ongoing permanent improvement.

Getting youthful skin without any recovery, pain, or downtime is liquid gold within itself. If you want to learn more about this facial and whether or not it’s the right one for you, contact our Woodbury office and call 516-496-2122.