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4 Things that Make Microneedling RF Worth It

Do you have wrinkles, large pores, or scars? Whether they result from genetics, aging, or injury, imperfections can put a damper on your self-confidence. 

Thanks to radiofrequency Microneedling, or Microneedling RF, these imperfections don’t have to be permanent. You can dramatically improve the texture of your skin and rejuvenate your whole appearance through a quick and easy Microneedling RF treatment.

This simple procedure stimulates collagen and elastin growth, for a difference you can see every time you look in the mirror. Keep reading to learn four things that make Microneedling RF worth it!

1. Look Younger With Fewer Wrinkles and Fine Lines

When you see a photo of yourself, do your eyes go straight to any signs of aging? With Microneedling RF, you can take years off the appearance of your skin. 

At Schlessinger Eye & Face, we offer two different types of Microneedling. Both kinds of Microneedling offered by our specialists use radiofrequency technology. 

The two Microneedling RF devices used at Schlessinger Eye & Face are the Secret RF and the Morpheus8. Each device can produce similar results, but each has unique benefits that can help treat specific concerns.

During radiofrequency Microneedling, the device releases radiofrequency into your skin to rejuvenate your appearance. This is essentially a process of controlled damage to your skin cells, which promotes the growth of new healthy skin.

The device creates tiny, superficial skin pricks in the treatment area during the procedure. These skin pricks trigger a healing response, which leads to your body producing more collagen and elastin. 

As you age, your body stops producing as many of these critical proteins, which keep your skin firm and smooth. By stimulating more production of them, you can smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, from crow’s feet to forehead lines. 

2. Reduce The Look of Scars and Stretch Marks

If you have scars, whether from injury or acne, you have most likely grown accustomed to the hassle of covering them up. Thanks to Microneedling RF, you can reduce their appearance. 

The same goes for stretch marks. Stretch marks can result due to various causes, from genetics and hormones to medication.

Scars and stretch marks can affect your self-confidence, whether on your face, neck, abdomen, or décolletage. Microneedling RF allows you to diminish the look of both stretch marks and scars greatly. 

Microneedling RF is one of the most effective treatments in reducing the appearance of these imperfections. You can look forward to your scars and stretch marks becoming less noticeable. 

3. Minimize The Size of Your Pores

When you have naturally oily skin, it’s especially common to have enlarged pores. Enlarged pores can be a source of insecurity for many, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Microneedling RF allows you to shrink the size of your pores so your skin appears even, and your pores are no longer as prominent. 

4. Results Build Over Time

The best types of treatments are those which provide results that last. After the Microneedling RF treatment, you will notice an immediate glow in your appearance. 

In addition to this, your results will continue to improve over time for up to six months. Long after you leave our office, your collagen and elastin will continue to be produced at an increased level.

Not only do you receive instant gratification by noticing results immediately after the procedure, but you can also look forward to your results improving over time. It’s exciting to watch your results get even better with time. 

Microneedling RF can renew your confidence and give you that fresh glow feeling. In addition to being extremely effective, Microneedling RF is also considered to be much more beneficial in improving these skin concerns than traditional Microneedling.

Do you want to learn more about how Microneedling RF can help improve your self-confidence? Schedule a Microneedling RF consultation at Schlessinger Eye & Face in Woodbury, NY, today! 516-496-2122 or click here.