How to Prepare and Heal From Morpheus:

Is surgery right for me?
Cosmetic intervention is a lot to consider. Even if you desire to restore your youthful appearance, you might be wary of committing to a surgical procedure. You might be thinking, what course of treatment is right for me? Luckily, Schlessinger Eye and Face offers advanced, non-invasive cosmetic treatments to revive the vivacity of your face.
What is Morpheus8?
Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive, non-surgical needling treatment for treating skin laxity while removing excess fat. The treatment consists of skin tightening, collagen stimulation, and radiofrequency (RF) technology. The treatment penetrates the skin deeper than other needling techniques to transform your complexion and restore a younger appearance. If you decide to go ahead with the Morpheus treatment, here are our pre- and post-treatment recommendations for a successful, speedy recovery!
In the days leading up to your appointment:
Dr. Schlessinger advises his patients to discontinue the use of any Retinols, Salicylic and Glycolic Acids, exfoliants, or scrubs at least five days prior to the procedure to protect the face. Additionally, try to avoid direct sun and tanning beds in the weeks leading up to your appointment. When you are in the sun, even for short periods like driving your car, apply our recommended medical grade sunblock. Do not use products not approved by Dr. Schlessinger and his staff, as the use of unauthorized products may result in damage to the treated areas and compromise results. Carefully attending to your face is crucial for preparing for success in your procedure.
On the day of your appointment:
On the day of your procedure, arrive at your appointment with a clean face (no make-up or lotions) one hour early to give yourself enough time for the pre-treatment numbing steps. We numb the areas being treated; however, if you would like oral sedation for the procedure, you must bring a driver. If you do not have a driver available, we offer nitrous oxide as an option for an additional cost.
Immediately following Morpheus:
Immediately following the procedure, you might notice some redness and bruising in the areas especially surrounding the eyes, this is completely normal. Although Morpheus8 is an outpatient, minimally invasive procedure, we still advise that you take it easy the first few days after the treatment in addition to diligently following your post-treatment instructions. Dr. Schlessinger recommends that for the first 48 hours you only apply Aquaphor to the procedure site to promote hydration and healing.
The week after your treatment:
After the initial 48 hours following your procedure, we encourage you to start Alastin Nectar twice a day to help strengthen the skin and increase collagen production. Likewise, when you go out in the sun, protect the area by using our medical grade sunblock. Continue not to use ant Retinols, Salicylic and Glycolic Acids, exfoliants, or scrubs for five days following the procedure to protect the skin.
What now?
Congratulations! You’ve finished your first Morpheus8 treatment and completed all the necessary post-procedure steps. To see the results in full effect, Dr. Schlessinger and his staff advise that you complete two more Morpheus treatments, three in total, each a month apart. The three recommended Morpheus treatments work to minimize acne scars, reduce wrinkles, and fade stretch marks all at once without the need for surgical intervention. We hope to see you back in a month!