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5 Trending Procedures for Dads

With Father’s Day around the corner, it’s the perfect time to treat the dad in your life or for dads to treat themselves! There’s no better gift than looking and feeling your best. 

In recent years, there has been a significant rise in cosmetic enhancements performed on men. In fact, men account for more than a million cosmetic procedures annually, and that number grows every day. 

Dr. Schlessinger is sharing which procedures are currently trending for dads and why they’re gaining popularity. 

1. PRP Treatments 

Many men often express concern about their hair loss, which is a common issue affecting almost two-thirds of men in the United States. The severity of hair loss may vary from thinning to baldness, and it can affect one’s self-esteem and confidence. 

However, there is a promising solution for this problem called PRP or platelet-rich plasma. PRP is an injection that utilizes stem cells derived from your own blood to trigger skin regeneration and promote hair growth. 

PRP therapy is an effective and safe procedure that has gained popularity due to its excellent results and minimal side effects. Furthermore, PRP therapy has other cosmetic benefits such as reducing wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration, rosacea, acne scars, and more. 

With its ability to utilize the body’s natural healing abilities, PRP can help you regain your confidence and restore your youthful appearance.

2. Browlift

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among dads to undergo brow lift procedures to address concerns about looking tired, sad, or angry. This procedure has gained popularity because it can effectively rejuvenate the upper face and help dads achieve a more youthful and alert appearance.

During a brow lift, Dr. Schlesinger will make small incisions in the hairline and use specialized surgical techniques to elevate the brow to its proper position. This involves adjusting the muscles around the eyes that have weakened over time, causing the brows to droop.

After the procedure, dads can expect to see a significant improvement in their appearance, with a more open and refreshed look to the eyes and upper face. This can have a positive impact on their self-esteem and confidence, as well as their personal and professional relationships.

3. Blepharoplasty

Another procedure that can make the area around your eyes look younger is blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. If loose, sagging skin around your eyes is a source of insecurity, blepharoplasty is an excellent option. 

This procedure works by removing excess skin, tissue, and fat to make you appear more alert, awake, and youthful. It can be performed on both the upper and lower lids. 

Lower blepharoplasty can effectively treat under-eye bags or hollowness. 

4. SculpSure

Body contouring is another prominent trend that more and more patients are asking about. SculpSure is a quick, twenty-five minute procedure that uses a laser to eliminate fat. 

Many people, including dads, have areas on their body that seem to hold onto fat no matter what they do. SculpSure can address fat on the abdomen, thighs, love handles, and more, so you can sculpt the body you want and renew your confidence, especially as we head into swimsuit season. 

5. Clear & Brilliant

Cosmetic procedures are no longer just about addressing the effects of aging: they are now able to help prevent it. With Clear & Brilliant, you can maintain a youthful appearance for longer, saving you from having to undergo procedures down the road. 

In just twenty minutes, Clear & Brilliant applies a gentle laser to the skin, creating millions of microscopic treatment areas and regenerating healthy tissue to replace damaged skin. This addresses early signs of aging and preserves a youthful look. 

Are you interested in learning more about which trending procedure may be right for you? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Schlessinger at Schlessinger Eye & Face in Woodbury, NY, today.

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